8 qualities that will
make you good parent

Muhammad Talha Admani
4 min readJun 11, 2021


In an interview of 62 parents, one of the most commonly asked questions was what’s the definition of a good parent.Well, here’s the answer. It’s the employment of love, care and support for family that makes anyone a “good

It would be quite unjustified to sum good parenting in these three lines. Practically speaking, the meaning of a decent parent isn’t something that is concluded, fixed or total. Here are some qualities that will make it clear where you stand as a parent.

Be Kind and show affection

Would you like to be treated rudely? No,right? Yelling, embarrassing or putting down a child is never, under any circumstances, a decent method to educate anything. Also, doing things like,taking away your attention from them because they did not do what they were told to do, leads to problems such as lower self-esteem and confidence.

Moreover, nowadays parents have got so much occupied in their lives that they have neglected to invest some time for their kids.Yeah, showing love to your child can, at times, be complicated, but that vibe of love will improve each area of their life.

Don’t push, provide guidance

Good parents are achievement searchers of their youngsters.This search may push them to punish, press, or even bribe their child, for example, giving 10 bucks for completion of homework. In a survey in 2019 it was revealed that 398,693 children were abused by their mother and fathers in the U.S .

There’s another way round to this approach, more effective and smooth,
that is tenderly pushing(when needed) and providing loads of guidance and support to help them accomplish their goals.

It’s clear that they will encounter failure along the way. Teach your child that
failure is not rough, rather it’s part of the fruit full journey they are to encounter down the road. Prepare your child to stand up again after failure, it will bring determination and value of hard work.

Kids learn from watching

Your children, are continually focusing on what you do. Belief it or not, display of your conduct, words, sentiments shapes your child’s character. So if you want your child to be well-mannered, well-disciplined, and down to earth, then you should be on your best conduct in your actions.

Leave Children Alone Free

Wait! Wait! Before you interpret the word “free” on your own, let me explain
it. Good parents know the importance of their child performing a task on their
own. Regardless of whether it’s making companions or washing hands , one of
the finest thing we can do as “good parents “ is let them deal with stuff all alone. Now this doesn’t mean that you should leave them completely alone, a balance should be maintained, between when to and when not to help.

Teach Discipline

Not the best, but one of the vital things you give your child is discipline. Now the question comes. Why is it compulsory to make your child practice discipline? Kids who lack discipline are more liable to be ruined, dissatisfied and experience difficulty being cheerful further down the road.

In this regard, according to a psychotherapist at Clarity Health
Solutions, Sharron Frederick, children with poor discipline or no discipline are not able to understand boundaries. This doesn’t mean that you become too strict with your child. Frederick says parents who show strictness in discipline for their child often lead to a child who becomes shy, nervous and sometimes rebellious.

Monitor and teach your child to become a decent

Keeping a close eye on what your child is up to is crucial. It will help you to perceive what the environment is your child in, as it will contribute to moulding your child’s mind in the future.

Nonetheless, instruct your child to be thoughtful, aware of other people’s
rights, have compassion for other people and be appreciative of what they have.As parents, you want your children to win grants, honors and be fruitful further down the road. However, in the end, no one will remember how successful your child was, but what they will remember is that your child was a good person.

Let them be themselves

You, as a good parent, should not have the mentality of transforming your child into duplicates of you. Instead of instructing and restricting your child to become what you want them to become, let them pursue what they are
interested and passionate about. As a parent, you should assist them to turn into the best form of their life. Also, it’s incredible to urge children to attempt
things that may push them out of their usual ranges of familiarity.

Create bond with your child

You, as a good parent, should take out some time daily to spend with your
children, get to know each other, and unite strongly. But the problem is
parents frequently invest their energy conversing with their child rather than hearing from them.

Photo by Kelli McClintock on Unsplash


Nurturing is an ongoing process. Construct a solid relationship with your
own kids. If you end up with an awful nurturing habit, then replicate them with a positive one, remember positive input gives positive output, so this
change will also have a beneficial impact on your child too.

Good news for you yeah you the one reading this you are already a good
parent and if you are to become one you will definitely be a good one.



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